Cross Validation - A definitive guide

  • Lukas
  • |
  • 07 October 2023

Nowadays, in the boom of AI, the development of new models never was so fast and yet we need to take care of many intricacies that are associated. One of those is the architecture validation. Architecture validation is simply checking if the model has good performance in a given task. To do this validation, we use techniques to separate the data used from testing from the data used for training. The reason is simple: this way reduces the chances of the model learning the pattern that lies on the data instead, it incentivizes the model to generalize and to actually solve the problem. When such thing happen the model is said to be overfitted. Today we will look at one technique to prevent the model from overfitting called Cross-Validation.

Introduction to Cross Validation

Cross-Validation, often called Rotation Estimation or Out-of-Sample Testing is used to assess the performance of a model on a generalized scenario. The goal is, as said above, to check if the model generalizes on the testing data. The testing data, also called validation data and first seen data is, as the name implies, data that the model never sees until the validation phase and doesn’t know the labels before hand.

A round of cross validation involves several steps, such as partitioning the data into the datasets mentioned above, training a model, usually with no more than a few hundred epochs, on the labeled data and predicting and assessing the performance on unseen data.

Why do we need it?

Cross validation is fundamental on preventing overfitting a model. As said above if we validate the model on the data it has already seen it could easily be biased towards some pattern that is present in the input but is not general. This leads to lack of generalization and, as such, poor performance on unseen data when compared to seen data.

Normally the model has a greater accuracy on seen data when compared to unseen data. But the effect is amplified when the model overfits.

To prevent this and to validate if the architecture is adequate to solve the problem in hands, several techniques were implemented. One of those is Cross Validation but there is also Train-Test Split which is, more or less, a single iteration of Cross Validation. Today the focus is on the Cross-Validation as it is the basis of Train-Test Split

Types of Cross Validation

There are many types of Cross-Validation algorithms, some more advanced, others easier to calculate. In a high level there are 2 types, Exhaustive Cross-Validation and Non-Exhaustive Cross-Validation.

In a Exhaustive Cross-Validation each and every combination of the input data is tested. While this is great and fine for smaller datasets, it is not viable to do on a large dataset, since the number of combinations would reach astronomical values.

Examples are Leave-p-out Cross-Validation (LpO CV) and Leave-one-out Cross-Validation (LOO CV). In a LpO CV scenario, slices of size p are taken to test the model and in LOO CV the process is the same as LpO CV with p=1. These methods create exponentially more samples on which to train and test, rapidly becoming unviable.

In the other hand, in Non-Exhaustive Cross-Validation, instead of trying every sample, the score is approximated. Examples of algorithms that try to approximate the exhaustive counter-parts while requiring much less runtime are k-Fold Cross-Validation and Stratified KFold method.

In K-Fold CV instead of specifying the number of samples in the test dataset, we instead divide the dataset in k parts, training and testing on each partition. For example, in a 5-Fold CV, we would get 5 parts and the training process would occur 5 times, since we only use a part for testing.

Another interesting Cross Validation method is the so called Stratified KFold. In this method we try to equalize the number of samples of each class so there is no obvious bias towards a class in particular.


Today we saw a common problem with LLMs in general that allows for model overfittment and create big discrepancies when evaluating. The solution is validating the model architecture using Cross Validation methods to see if the model is ready before training with full data.

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